Should a Cowboy Hat Touch Your Ear? (Yes or No)

Are you asking should a cowboy hat touch your ear? Ask no more, for, in this article, we will discuss cowboy hats and their possibilities of touching your ear, and how to prevent cowboy hats from touching your ear?

A cowboy hat should not touch your ear rather, it should be between 1/2 to 1/8 inches above your ear. Ensure the cowboy hat fits properly, snugging all around your head without touching your ear or hurting your head to avoid giving you a headache.

Cowboy hats are not new. They have been since time immemorial; that is, for a long time. It is usually perceived as a high crowned and a wide-brimmed hat mostly used by people in North America.

However, cowboy hats are not being used by North Americans alone, people from various parts of the world wear a cowboy hat for one occasion or the other and you hardly see a cowboy wear his cowboy hat without his cowboy boots.

Cowboy Hats

As reiterated earlier, cowboy hats are not new. It has been for a very long time. It is a unique and attractive way of dressing. The question is, who doesn’t love a man that dresses in cowboy attire? Such men look very attractive especially if they are tall and handsome.

There are several best ways to wearing cowboy attire. Some may decide to wear a cowboy hat with shorts, some may wear a cowboy hat without boots, but the right way to dress in a cowboy outfit is to pair it with a plain shirt, jeans, and boots.

The question you should ask is why? The reason is that cowboy boots give prestige to the whole outfit. There is this uniqueness it makes the whole concept looks which will never be there if you decided to wear a cowboy hat without boots.

Should a Cowboy Hat Touch Your Ear?

Meanwhile, the most fascinating thing about cowboy attire is that it is not limited to men only. Women can also dress in a cowboy outfit and still look gorgeous and attractive. Imagine yourself as a girl, wearing a pink cowboy hat, a pink shirt, blue jeans and brown cowboy boots. That’s perfect.

Should a Cowboy Hat Touch Your Ear?

You should not allow your cowboy hat to touch your ear to avoid giving you a headache or looking strange. As a matter of fact, cowboy hats do not have any business with your ear, rather should be between 1/2 to 1/8 inches above your ear.

I have never seen anyone whose cowboy hat touches its ear. It has always been above the ear. Moreover, on a normal ground, a cowboy hat should not touch your ear when you put it on. If peradventure you wear a cowboy hat and it touches your ear, then something must be wrong. Except you are the one putting it in a style where it will touch your ear.


Just take a look at Jason Derulo’s picture above. The cowboy hat he wore is not touching his ear and that is how it should be for both men and women. If yours is touching your ear, then something must be wrong somewhere.

A cowboy hat is supposed to fit properly in your head without having to touch your ear, fall off or cause you a headache. You are supposed to make sure it is comfortably sitting in your head without any obstacles, and by so doing, it will not touch your ear.

Reasons why a Cowboy Hat Should Not Touch Your Ear

1. It will be Odd

One of the major reasons why a cowboy hat should not touch your ear is that it may look odd in people’s eyes. Everyone knows cowboy hats as something that should not touch the ear, imagine yours touching your ear, people will wonder what trend of fashion is that. It will look odd in their eyes and by so doing directing their attention away from the original look of cowboy attire.

2. It may Look Less Attractive

Like I said earlier, men and women with complete cowboy attire usually look attractive in the eye. There are this uniqueness, prestige, and a sense of difference a cowboy attire gives the person wearing it whether handsome or ugly. But when you let the hat touch your ear, it might change the whole look.

3. Because that not How it Supposed to be

On the normal ground, a cowboy hat should not touch your ear. However, when yours proves otherwise, people will not help but notice what’s going on, and immediately, they are going to know that you are wearing the hat in a way you are not supposed to. Trust me, you don’t want people to feel this way if your intention of dressing in cowboy attire is to look gorgeous and attract people’s attention.

However, the fact that your cowboy hat should not touch your ear doesn’t mean it should be too tight in your head. A very tight cowboy hat can hurt and can even lead to severe headaches. So you should make sure the hat is not too tight that it makes you uncomfortable. Like I said earlier, the hat should fit comfortably on your head.

Peradventure your cowboy hat is too tight, you should find a possible way to expand it to make it fit. If it’s too big that it’s touching your ear find a possible way to shrink it to make it fits properly on your head.

Reason Why Cowboy Hat Should Touch your Ear

I don’t think there should be any reason to allow your cowboy hat to touch your ear while wearing it except when you want to use it as a shield against cold or you may want to use it to cover something that is not right about your ear. Aside from that, you should not let it touch your ear.


On a normal ground, a cowboy hat should not touch your ear, therefore, you should not allow your cowboy hat to touch your ears rather, be between 1/2 to 1/8 inches above the ear. That is how it is supposed to be.