Using a Shower Cap When Dying Hair

When you have your shower cap on while dying your hair, it helps to keep heat in place so that the color of the hair would look more beautiful and unique unlike when you just dye your hair without using a shower cap.

The hair is as important as the clothing you wear and must be well taken care of. Certain challenges come from not being able to take proper care of the hair and maintain it to always give that glowing and beautiful look at all times. You must ensure that you don’t leave your hair for dandruff and other things that feed on the hair.

As beautiful as the hair can be, there are things used in making it look that good and a shower cap is one of such. Shower caps can help do wonders on the hair when you want to dye it.

Shower Cap

Shower caps are forms of hats or caps people wear during the shower. Shower caps helps to guard someone’s hair during a shower or while bathing. They come in different forms and sizes and they are made in different designs as well.

They are made by the mere putting together of some layers of materials which makes them look more beautiful and attractive to the eye.

Not only are shower caps meant to help protect your hair from getting wet, but they are also forms of design for so many people and fashion lovers, and enthusiasts. Despite how big a shower cap is, they all have forms of elastic that help them fit into any type of head they are placed on.

Another important thing to know about shower caps is that they are not only for helping you keep your hair from getting in touch with water during the shower, they are also forms of hair treatment and hair dyes.

Should I Wear a Shower Cap When Dying Hair?

Shower caps are good to be used while dying your hair. Once you have applied the color you want for your hair, it is good and important to make use of a good shower cap, this does not only help to make the color come out beautiful and make your hair look better than others, it also helps to stop goop from streaking your forehead.

The answer to the above question is a yes; your hair would absorb all the pigments from the dye. If not your hair color would be so uneven in appearance.

In case you want to dye your hair with the (DIY) do-it-yourself at home, here are some basic tips to follow on how to cover and what to use and cover your hair with a shower cap during the process:

  • Make Use of Aluminum Cap: This helps your hair generate a good amount of heat and this would help your hair to absorb the dye very well and have a good amount of temperature that would make it look so good and beautiful. In case you observe that it is very hot on your head, do not fret it is just a little challenge that comes from it.
  • Use Tin Foil: In situations where you decide not to use the aluminum caps, you can make good use of tin foil and this works perfectly well for your head too. You can use it to achieve the wonders you want your head to look like after dying it.
  • You Can Use the Plastic Wrap: These types are the same types of plastics you normally use on regular basis to store things in your freezer. They can be hard for you if you don’t know how to make use of them but trust me they are perfect and good at keeping heat intact while dying your hair. With the plastic wrap, you can see your hair through the mirror as the changes in color start setting in gradually.
  • A Grocery Bag Can Do the Magic: If you don’t have plastic wrap, you can make use of a grocery bag. It works well once you apply the dye and cover your hair with this.

How to use a Shower Cap when Dying Hair

There are methods for everything and wearing shower caps when you want to dye your hair is not excluded from this. Below are simple steps to follow on how to wear a shower cap when dying your hair.

1. Ensure Your Hair is Well Washed, Combed, and Dried

This is the first and most important thing to do, washing the hair would help you remove some forms of dandruff and unwanted particles on the hair that may turn out to be a challenge for the dye used on it. You must ensure that you wash the hair thoroughly, comb it well and ensure it is well dried before anything takes place.

2. Add the Hair Color

Once you are done with the first stage, the next thing would be to rub the color you want for your hair. Massage it properly either with your hand or comb depending on what you are using, this would ensure that the color goes well into all the parts of the hair you want it to touch and settle in without any challenge.

3. Put on the Cap

Once this is done, the next thing to do is to put on the shower cap. At this stage, you should be careful enough to follow the stipulated time depending on the type of hair color you are using.

Without following this process of timing, you might not like the color that would eventually come out or it would not be as bright as it should or as dim as it should be. Timing is of the essence.

With the shower cap on, you would not need to go around looking for a towel and the dye would not touch your clothes.

4. Wash the Hair

After observing the stipulated time needed for your hair with the shower cap on, the next thing would be to remove the cap and wash your hair thoroughly with either a shampoo or other hair conditioners.

5. Add Cream and Dress the Hair

The next thing to do would be to add your recommended hair cream and massage it well into your hair and dress the hair to the desired style.

Pros of using a Shower Cap when drying Hair

  • Good Color: This is one thing everyone that dyes their hair has at the back of the mind to achieve. Shower caps can easily help you achieve this as long as you use the above-recommended types of shower caps especially when you are doing it yourself and not in either a spa or hair salon. They help the color set in very well and become so attractive to everyone that comes around you.
  • Good Temperature: Your hair needs a good amount of temperature to help you achieve good settings while dying your hair. Without your hair getting this amount of temperature locked in on the hair, you might end up not liking what your hair would look like after the process. This is why is it important to make use of shower caps while carrying out this function as it helps your hair get the good temperature it requires and sets your hair in good shape.
  • Good Curls: Good hair curls is the joy of everyone that have long hair. A shower cap would help keep the curls and the shape of the hair in place when you are dying them. The hair would not lose its texture or quality as it would remain the same way it was before you started.
  • Prevents Hair Damage from Water: Water can be a form of damage to the hair, but shower caps are best to help prevent water from coming in touch with your hair while drying the hair. Once water touches your hair during the process of dying, it would cause burnt and other things for your hair, which is not good.
  • Protects the Hair Against some Unwanted Materials from Touching the Hair: Shower caps during dying also help you from stopping any form of unwanted material from touching your hair and avoid them damaging the beauty your desire for your hair after dying it.

Cons of using a Shower Cap when dying Hair

Everything that has benefits also has disadvantages, we are going to highlight benefits of using a shower cap on the hair when dying hair and they are as follows:

  • Friction: Friction is another thing the hair needs at any given time, while dying your hair with your shower cap on it is important to work very well with your timing and know when to remove and when to replace the shower cap for more effectiveness. In situations where timing is not well taken care of, there would are big issues that might result in other hair challenges and damages.
  • Hair Burn: If care is not properly taken while putting on a shower cap when you are dying your hair, your hair would burn and this can also cause bruises on both hair and your head. It is important to note that some types of shower caps can cause this kind of damages, especially the aluminum shower cap. While using such when you are dying your hair, you need to be very careful to avoid any form of damage or bruises on both your hair and head.
  • Hair Breaking and Scalp: Hair breakage and other challenges that come with the hair are things nobody wants to witness in their hair at any given time. Having bags on the head for a long time can use damages and scalp on the hair, it is known that the scalp does not breathe, when you wear caps on it without timing, you are not helping the pores on the scalp. And hair breakage is another issue and challenge that can come as a result of this.

Best types of Shower Cap to Use When Dying Hair

There are varieties of shower caps in the hair market, but it is so important to go for the best and get the value of whatever you want for your hair.

Below are some types of shower caps that are considered best to use when dying your hair:

  • Tin Foil Shower Cap: They are good for dying hair. It produces enough temperature your hair requires during the process of dying it. One good thing about these types of shower caps is that is help in dividing the hair into sections, and this enables you to dye the part of the hair you need and leave the rest you don’t want to dye.
  • Plastic Wrap: This is also very good for heat maintenance when you are trying to dye your hair. It gives the hair the pressure and temperature needed for good hair. Remember that with this type of shower cap, you are sure of watching your hair glow and change to the desired color you need.
  • Grocery Wrap: You can use it at any time to dye your hair, but is important to note that once you cover your hair after applying the dye, you would have to move away from certain places like the balcony and decks to allow your hair color work well.
  • Aluminum Cap: You can use this to cover your hair during the process, but you must be very careful to know how to handle it to avoid your hair burn and other casualties that may come out of it.

All the above-mentioned types of shower caps are good for dying hair, but the tin foil stands out amongst them because of its numerous advantages over the others.


Shower caps help during the process of hair dying, it helps both the coloring and temperature and everything your hair needs to give you the best color you can ever imagine after dying it. The only thing needed to achieve this is to follow the simple rules and have your hair been admired by anyone that comes around you.

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